Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Now I know that every diva has those days where she either wakes up late or just can't part with that much need beauty rest. I started thinking I always for get maybe one, two or bunch of things when I'm in a rush. So I put together my on diva on the go kit.

DIVA ON THE GO KIT!  For that diva in a hurry.

Item 1.  Mascara -  mascara is must in this kit.  If I could only have one thing out of my kit it would be this.  Mascara helps open your eyes up or to widen the eye.

Item 2. Lip gloss or lip balm -  We all know that sometimes after we brush our teeth and don't have time to put on the lip gloss our lips will look especially dry.  So I make sure that I keep a couple just for days like that.

Item 3.  Spare earrings -  I always keep at least a pair of studs or a pair of hoops in my bag.  I totally hate not having earrings on.  Even if its just jeans and a t-shirt earrings help complete the look.

Item 4. Travel size deodorant - I'm not the only one who has done this left out the house without putting any on.  So anytime I see the travel size I pick up one or two.  Diva must be fresh.

So here are four items for your kit.  If you have items you must have let me know.  I love hearing you!


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